職員紹介 STAFF


園 長Principal
見山信明 (みやま のぶあき)
Nobuaki Miyama
「子どもたちと関わる仕事をしよう。」「子どもたちと過ごす時が一番自分らしくいることができ る!」と思い、保育業界に入りました。志したのは中学2年生。 当時、広島県には男性保育士がいない時代でした。幼稚園に長年勤める。 子どもの時から続けている趣味は魚釣り、最近ではバイク競技にも参加中。
Working with children enables me to truly be myself and the times spent remain cherished. I joined preschool education and childcare because I desired to work with children. I made this decision during my second year of junior high school. At that time, there were no male childcare workers in Hiroshima Prefecture. I have worked at a kindergarten for many years. Since childhood, my hobby has been fishing, and recently, I have joined a motorcycle club and love to participate in motorcycle racing.
阿部奈穂子 (あべ なおこ)
Naoko Abe
乳幼児期の子どもたちは、”甘えたい時に甘えられる””自分の気持ちを受け止めてもらえる””自己表現ができる”大切にされている”大人の存在がとても大切です。それが基盤となって日々成長し、様々なことに興味を持ったり、挑戦しようとする気持ちが育まれていき、やがて「人」として大人になっていきます。その基盤作り(愛情を持って一人一人と接すること)を一番に考えて保育をしています。また、Full moon International こども園 おおので、子どもたちが友だちを応援する時によく言う「Try Your Best」という言葉があります。 園の特色である国際バカロレア教育や英語教育に子どもたちと触れ、一緒にチャレンジし成長していきたいと思っています。
It is crucial for infants to have adults who indulge in their affairs and seek comfort, acknowledge their emotions, encourage self-expressions, and gently take care of them. The presence of adults who lovingly take care of children serve as a vital foundation for the daily growth, development of varied interests, and the cultivation of a desire to embrace challenges - ultimately shaping young learners into well-rounded individuals. Our top priority is to establish this foundation by treating each child with genuine love and affection.Full Moon International Kodomoen as a preschool is a nurturing environment where children frequently encourage their friends with the phrase "Try your best" and teachers aspire to challenge and grow alongside the children, introducing them to the International Baccalaureate education and English language learning - the distinctive features of our preschool.
外国人講師English Teacher
Winfred Quarshie
公立私立の幼小中高で英語教師歴22年。日本在住14年。祖国で教員免許を取得し、横浜国立大学に留学経験がある。母国語 である英語のほかに、日本語を含め4か国語を話す。2014年には英語教授法研究会(TEMI)の全国最優秀英語教師にも選ば れた。趣味は映画鑑賞、歌うこと、異文化体験。
Mr. Winfred has worked as an English teacher from kindergarten to high school in both public and private schools for 20 years. He has lived in Japan for 14 years. He earned his teacher’s license in his home country.He studied as an exchange student at Yokohama National University. He speaks English as his mother tongue and also speaks 3 other languages including Japanese. In 2014, he received the Most Valuable English Teacher award from TEMI.He likes to watch movies, sing, and experience different cultures.
園長からひとことFrom the principal
ウィンフレッド先生は、熱い情熱と優しい心を併せ持ち、非常に真面目で熱心な先生です。子どもたちに大変好かれ ており、「笑顔で英語を」という本園の理想の英語教育を体現できる存在です。PYPコーディネーターとして、本園 の国際バカロレア教育の取りまとめもしています。
Mr Winfred has a strong passion and is kindhearted. He is also very earnest. All children love him, and he is a perfect teacher who demonstrates MIP’s motto of “SmilEnglish”. He is the PYP coordinator at MIP, and leads the IB PYP Early Years education.
外国人講師English Teacher
Jeremy Mahlman
Mr. Jeremy moved from the USA to work as an English teacher in Japan 7 years ago. He primarily worked at public high schools and special needs schools. Since moving to Japan, he has fallen in love with teaching and has attended various TEFL courses and trainings to improve his teaching skills. In his free time, he likes to watch San Frecce games, play futsal, and play board games and video games. Mr. Jeremy likes to eat pizza and sashimi.
園長からひとことFrom the principal
子どもたちと園庭を駆け回りながら、関わりを深め、絵本を読むときも、外で遊ぶときも、いつも笑顔で全力で取り組んでいます! 以前は日本の高校の教師も経験しており、口癖は『めっちゃ〇〇!』です。サッカーが大好きで、特にサンフレッチェが大好きです!
He runs around the preschool yard with the children during outdoor play. He engages the children energetically and smiles to everyone at the preschool. During reading time in his class, his children enjoy his reading and repeat phrases and short sentences after him with smiles. He used to be a high school teacher in Hiroshima, and her favorite saying is "Mehta 00! He loves soccer and is a fan of Hiroshima Sanfrecce Sporting Club.
外国人講師English Teacher
Cordelia Odoom
国で幼児教員免許を取得。海外のインターナショナルスクール(保育園)での保育歴18年。将棋の藤井聡太棋士が幼少期に 受けた「モンテッソーリ教育」を取り入れた保育を長年経験し、幼少期の国際教育に長けている。趣味は読書、クッキング、 保育に関する新しい情報を知ること。
Ms. Cordelia received early childhood teaching qualification in her home country. She has worked at international preschools for 18 years. She especially has long experience in Montessori education, and is an international early childhood education expert. She likes to read, cook and research on new methods of early childhood education.
園長からひとことFrom the principal
コーディリア先生は、子どもたちが大好きで、あたたかい愛情あふれる保育をしてくれます。幼児教育の経験が長い ので、幼児期に親しみやすい英語活動や保育の引き出しが多い先生です。日本に来て日が浅いですが、日本語もみる みる上達しています!
Ms. Cordelia loves children and shows affection to young children when she is teaching. She has long experience working at an early year’s school, so she has lots of knowledge and ideas for English education and childcare. She is earnestly studying Japanese and making the effort to speak it well.
外国人講師English Teacher
Tinotenda Chikerema
ジンバブエ出身。中国で5年、日本で1年、英語講師として経験があります。また、ジャーナリズムの分野でも幅広い経験を積んできました。 幼児教育の分野において、こどもたちを、優しく、思慮深く、社会に貢献できる大人に育てることに情熱を注いでいます。 趣味は読書と旅行。好きな食べ物はお好み焼きとラーメン。ポケモンとドラゴンボールもお気に入りです。
Ms. Tino has been working as an English teacher for 5 years in China and a year in Japan . She has a rich background in journalism, however, she has more passion for developing young minds into kind, thoughtful, and contributing adults. She enjoys reading and traveling. She likes eating Okonomiyaki and ramen. She also likes Pokémon and Dragon ball.
園長からひとことFrom the principal
お洒落なMs.ティノ。髪をアップにしたり、長く伸ばしたり、時にはウイッグをつけたりして、とってもかわいく素敵です。 ちょっぴりシャイでありながらも明るく陽気なMs.ティノは、子どもたちと一緒にダンスや歌を楽しんだり、全身を使って楽しんだり、戸外で泥んこや水遊びを楽しんだりと、元気いっぱいです。
She is a friendly and stylish teacher. She often wears her hair up or keeps it long and sometimes prefers wigs that makes her look very cute and lovely. She is a little shy, but cheerful and full of energy. She enjoys dancing and singing in her classes. During outdoors, she fully engages in fun activities and plays in the mud with her children.
外国人講師English Teacher
Drocelle Niyitegeka
ルワンダ出身で、教育関係で12年以上の経験があり、フランス語も話すことができます。来日後、広島大学でTESOLの資格と教育学修士号を取得しました。 日本では、公立学校で3年間ALTとして勤務してきました。趣味は読書とサッカー観戦。また、温泉やお好み焼き、新しい食べ物に挑戦することも好きです。
Ms. Drocelle is a passionate educator with over 12 years of teaching experience. She is originally from Rwanda, and she can also speak French. Ms. Drocelle holds a TESOL certificate and a Master Degree of Education from Hiroshima University. She has been an ALT at different Japanese public schools for 3 years. She loves reading and watching soccer games. She also enjoys onsen, okonomiyaki and trying new food.
園長からひとことFrom the principal
She is always cheerful and full of humor. She finds ways to be innovative during her interactions with her children. She is very good at engaging children and always creates a good atmosphere for learning and praises the efforts of everyone. She is full of smiles and desires to happily communicate with the children and staff members at all times.


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