- 園 長Principal
- 見山信明 (みやま のぶあき)
- Nobuaki Miyama
「子どもたちと関わる仕事をしよう。」「子どもたちと過ごす時が一番自分らしくいることができ る!」と思い、保育業界に入りました。志したのは中学2年生。 当時、広島県には男性保育士がいない時代でした。幼稚園に長年勤める。 子どもの時から続けている趣味は魚釣り、最近ではバイク競技にも参加中。
Working with children enables me to truly be myself and the times spent remain cherished. I joined preschool education and childcare because I desired to work with children. I made this decision during my second year of junior high school. At that time, there were no male childcare workers in Hiroshima Prefecture. I have worked at a kindergarten for many years. Since childhood, my hobby has been fishing, and recently, I have joined a motorcycle club and love to participate in motorcycle racing.

- 副園長
- 阿部奈穂子 (あべ なおこ)
- Naoko Abe
乳幼児期の子どもたちは、”甘えたい時に甘えられる””自分の気持ちを受け止めてもらえる””自己表現ができる”大切にされている”大人の存在がとても大切です。それが基盤となって日々成長し、様々なことに興味を持ったり、挑戦しようとする気持ちが育まれていき、やがて「人」として大人になっていきます。その基盤作り(愛情を持って一人一人と接すること)を一番に考えて保育をしています。また、Full moon International こども園 おおので、子どもたちが友だちを応援する時によく言う「Try Your Best」という言葉があります。
It is crucial for infants to have adults who indulge in their affairs and seek comfort, acknowledge their emotions, encourage self-expressions, and gently take care of them. The presence of adults who lovingly take care of children serve as a vital foundation for the daily growth, development of varied interests, and the cultivation of a desire to embrace challenges - ultimately shaping young learners into well-rounded individuals. Our top priority is to establish this foundation by treating each child with genuine love and affection.Full Moon International Kodomoen as a preschool is a nurturing environment where children frequently encourage their friends with the phrase "Try your best" and teachers aspire to challenge and grow alongside the children, introducing them to the International Baccalaureate education and English language learning - the distinctive features of our preschool.

- 外国人講師English Teacher
- クァシー・ウィンフレッド
- Winfred Quarshie
Mr. Winfred has worked as an English teacher from kindergarten to high school in both public and private schools for 20 years.
He has lived in Japan for 14 years. He earned his teacher’s license in his home country.He studied as an exchange student at Yokohama National
University. He speaks English as his mother tongue and also speaks 3 other languages including Japanese. In 2014, he received the Most Valuable
English Teacher award from TEMI.He likes to watch movies, sing, and experience different cultures.

- 外国人講師English Teacher
- マルマン・ジェレミー
- Jeremy Mahlman
Mr. Jeremy moved from the USA to work as an English teacher in Japan 7 years ago. He primarily worked at public high schools and special needs schools. Since moving to Japan, he has fallen in love with teaching and has attended various TEFL courses and trainings to improve his teaching skills. In his free time, he likes to watch San Frecce games, play futsal, and play board games and video games. Mr. Jeremy likes to eat pizza and sashimi.

- 外国人講師English Teacher
- オドゥーム・コーディリア
- Cordelia Odoom
Ms. Cordelia received early childhood teaching qualification in her home country. She has worked at international preschools for 18 years.
She especially has long experience in Montessori education, and is an international early childhood education expert. She likes to read, cook and
research on new methods of early childhood education.

- 外国人講師English Teacher
- チケレマ・ティノテンダ
- Tinotenda Chikerema
Ms. Tino has been working as an English teacher for 5 years in China and a year in Japan . She has a rich background in journalism, however, she has more passion for developing young minds into kind, thoughtful, and contributing adults. She enjoys reading and traveling. She likes eating Okonomiyaki and ramen. She also likes Pokémon and Dragon ball.

- 外国人講師English Teacher
- ニイテゲカ・ドロッセル
- Drocelle Niyitegeka
Ms. Drocelle is a passionate educator with over 12 years of teaching experience. She is originally from Rwanda, and she can also speak French. Ms. Drocelle holds a TESOL certificate and a Master Degree of Education from Hiroshima University. She has been an ALT at different Japanese public schools for 3 years. She loves reading and watching soccer games. She also enjoys onsen, okonomiyaki and trying new food.