COO紹介 Chief Operations Officer

COO (最高執行責任者) Chief Operations Officer
望月 主税
Chikara Mochizuki

千葉県生まれ。 1歳から5歳までの4年間をオーストラリアのニューサウスウェールズ州で、8歳から12歳までの4年間をアメリカのミシガン州で過ごし、計8年間の幼少期における海外在住経験がある。 高等学校はスーパーグローバルハイスクールでもあった渋谷教育学園幕張高等学校で、同じ帰国子女や留学生などと学ぶ。

特に全国初の学校教育法第一条のインターナショナルスクールである千葉県の幕張インターナショナルスクールでは開園・開校から携わり、幼稚園・小学校の日本人主任(Japanese Coordinator/Head of Japanese Department)として8年間勤める。同校でCIS(Council of International Schools:インターナショナルスクール協議会)認可申請の際にはSteering Committee (認可申請運営委員会)の一員としても活動した。

Chikara Mochizuki is the founder and principal of Moonlight International Preschool and Full Moon Internaitonal Kodomoen. He was born in Chiba, Japan. He lived in New South Wales, Australia from ages 1 to 5, and in Michigan, America from ages 8 to 12. He attended Shibuya Makuhari High School, which was an assigned Super Global High School in Japan. He spent his school life mostly with returnees and exchange students interacting in English.

He loved playing with children and was interested in English education, which led him to pursue his first degree at the Faculty of International Education at Yamaguchi University. After graduation, he worked in Japanese public elementary/junior high schools, but due to his profound interest in international and English education, he decided to work at different educational institutions from kindergarten to high school that offers such education, all over the country.

He taught at Makuhari International School as a Japanese Coordinator/head of Japanese Department for 8 years at the kindergarten and elementary school departments. The school then went through the Council of International Schools (CIS) accreditation process during his tenure as a member of the school’s steering committee.

He graduated from the University of Melbourne in Australia with a Master's degree in International Education (International Baccalaureate).

He likes to snowboard, play tennis, and spend quality time with his daughters in his free time.


  • メルボルン大学大学院修士課程国際教育学国際バカロレア専攻卒業 The University of Melbourne Master’s degree in International Education
  • 保育活動専門員認定 ・Childcare specialist approved
  • 幼稚園教諭免許 ・Kindergarten teacher’s license
  • 小学校教諭免許 ・Elementary school teacher’s license
  • 中学校教諭免許(英語) ・Junior high school teacher’s license(English)
  • 高等学校教諭免許(英語) ・High school teacher’s license(English)
  • 司書教諭資格 ・Librarian teacher’s license
  • 英検1級 ・English proficiency test level 1
  • TOEIC L&R 955点 ・TOEIC L&R 955points
  • IELTSオーバーオール・バンド・スコア7.5 ・IELTS overall band score 7.5(CEFR C1)
  • 幼保英語検定1級 ・Test of English for Early Childhood Educators Level 1
  • 国際バカロレア最上位教員資格 アドバンスドサーティフィケイトインリーダーシップリサーチ ・International Baccalaureate Advanced Certificate in Leadership Research
  • 国際交流協会会長 ・Chairman of Hatsukaichi International Association
  • そしてユーチューバー …and YouTuber


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