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Mini Olympics(運動会)を前にして遊具に向かう時のスピード感、走る時の勢いなど園全体が活気づき、外遊びが一層盛んになってきました。そしてクラスの友だちとの仲間意識も高まり、みんなで目標に向かって活動しています。
2輪車に乗っている子どもたちは、この遊びをMini Olympics種目に選びました。
そして、その一生懸命にやり込んでいる姿は他の子にも刺激を与えてくれ、共に楽しみ、みんなで応援し合いながらMini Olympicsに向けて頑張っています。

My Favorite Play
Ahead of the Mini Olympics, the whole school has become lively. You feel a sense of speed when the kids are heading for the playset and the momentum when running. Outdoor play has also become more popular. You can sense that the companionship among classmates has increased and everyone is working toward their goals.
The children also had a voice and choice in the Mini Olympics events. Some have chosen to ride scooters and others tricycles. It’s clear to see their excitement and confidence as they mount their vehicles for the race. And this in turn, inspires other children to do their best. Everyone is enjoying it together and we are working hard toward the Mini Olympics, all the while supporting each other.