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  • 夏、井戸水全開!


The well water is flowing this summer!
Full Moon has a well in the playground. The children use a hand pump to pump it out from the water source located 25 meters underground. Although the water quality has been inspected, I tell the children that they shouldn’t drink it. When the school was being built, I really wanted to dig a well. But there is no guarantee that water will come out because very simply, sometimes you cannot reach the water source. One solution is to bury a tank in the ground to store tap water to ensure you can get water. We were considering this,
but it didn’t feel right.
Full Moon is located in an area blessed with a natural environment, with rivers and irrigation canals nearby. I decided to dig because I knew that many of my neighbors were digging wells also. Well water is cold in summer and warm in winter. We hope the children will notice and inquire: “Why is tap water different from well water?” Needless to say, we were all very happy when we tried the pump and water came out. Now, you can hear the children saying while playing in the mud, “The water is cold.” It is also a good way to teach teamwork and the need to take turns as the children have to cooperate with each other when pumping the well water. Cooperation makes pumping the water, filling up the pond, playing in the mud and then draining the water all that much more fun. As we are in the middle of summer, there will be many more hot days this year. I think we are enjoying using the well water to the fullest.