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  • やったー、バスに乗れるぞ〜

フルムーンでは園外保育のために「おでかけバス」があります。そして今、このおでかけバスが大活躍中!バスの座席は2歳児以上向けですが、0歳児のAuroraクラスや1歳児のRainbowクラスは、駐車場に停めたバスで「バスごっこ」。担任の「みんなどこに行きたい?」の声に、みんなワクワクした笑顔で応えてくれます。そして、2歳児のCloudクラスは、実際にバスで地域をドライブ!最初の目的地は…J R駅!電車がやってくるのをみんなでドキドキしながら待ちました。その後は、少し高台から海を眺めたり、消防署で消防車や救急車を見学したりして、フルムーンに戻ってきました。みんなの笑顔がキラキラで、帰ってからも「また行きたい!」の声が止まりません!翌日も翌々日も「次はどこ行く?」と話が尽きないくらい楽しかったようです!

Yay, we get to ride the bus!

Full Moon has a school bus for field trips. The school bus is in great demand! The seats on the bus are for 2-year-olds and up, but the 0-year-old Aurora class and 1-year-old Rainbow class are “playing bus” on the bus parked in the parking lot. When the homeroom teacher asked, “Where do you want to go?” everyone responds with excited smiles.Then, the 2-year-old Cloud class actually took the bus for a drive around the community! First stop…JR station! We all waited excitedly for the train to come. After that, we enjoyed a scenic view of the ocean and a visit to the fire station to see fire trucks and ambulances before returning to Full Moon.Everyone’s smiles were so bright and sparkling that even after they returned to school, they couldn’t stop saying, “I want to go again!” The next day and the day after that, they had so much fun they never ran out of things to talk about, asking each other “Where should we go next?”