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  • 残暑の中での水遊び


お盆も過ぎ、少しずつ涼しさを感じられるようになってきましたね。今年の夏は熱中症アラートが頻発し、なかなかプールや水遊びを楽しむ機会が少なかったのですが、フルムーンではこれからが夏の本番です!秋の訪れを感じつつも、残暑をうまく活かして、どこまでも夏気分を楽しみたいと思います。   やはり水あそびは楽しいです!

Water play in the late summer heat

Obon has passed and we are starting to feel a little bit cooler. This summer, there were frequent heat stroke alerts, so there weren’t many opportunities to enjoy the pool or play in the water, but at Full Moon, summer is finally here! Even though autumn is coming soon, I want to take advantage of the lingering heat and enjoy the feeling of summer. After all, playing in the water is fun!