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  • IBワークショップを行いました

このワークショップは、IB PYP(初等教育プログラム)について学びたい法人の職員が対象です。主体的に参加し盛り上がりました。今回の講師、西多氏は主体的に学ぶ教師でなければ、子どもたちも主体的に学ぼうとはしない。という言葉を強く言われました。また、こうして職員で1つの学びのつながりを広げることで、日々の子どもたちの関わりもより良い流れが出来ていきます。

IB Workshop trainingOn July 14 and 15, a two-day IB workshop was held on the theme “Making the PYP happen in the early years: Implementing agency.”
The workshop was open to corporate staff who wanted to learn more about the IB PYP (Primary Years Programme). Participation was proactive and lively. Ms. N, the instructor of this workshop, emphasized that unless teachers are proactive learners, children will not become proactive learners. She strongly emphasized that if teachers do not take the initiative in learning, children will not take the initiative in learning. Also, by expanding the learning connection among staff members through this training, we can develop a better flow of daily interactions with children.
The knowledge we learned during this training will be very useful in our daily inquiry cycles with our students.