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IB Tea Time

第一回の「Mr. Jeremyとお茶を飲みながらPYP – Primary Years Programmeを語ろう!」を開催しました。
主体的に参加された保護者の皆様には、Star of the Weekをお贈りしました。これは、国際バカロレアの10の学習者像のうち、Risk Taker(挑戦する人)を意味します

The first “Let’s Talk about PYP – Primary Years Programme over Tea with Mr. Jeremy! was held at the school.
With quizzes and group discussions on the subject of the IB (International Baccalaureate), there was time for a little thinking amidst all the smiles. Participants were able to clear up some of the questions they had been asking themselves, such as “What is the IB?” and that it was easy to understand.
Parents who took the initiative to participate in the event were presented with a Star of the Week. The Star of the Week is one of the 10 IB learner images, meaning a “Risk Taker” (someone who takes on challenges).