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  • 平和のピアノがやってきた

Sky Class(3歳児)Star Class(4歳児)Sun Class(5歳児)と、来園された はつかいちサンブレイズ社会人球団の選手の方が、職員の連弾「世界がひとつになるまで」を歌いながら、綺麗なデザインと、綺麗な音を楽しみました。

The Peace Piano has arrived.
On February 27, we held a peace piano unveiling ceremony.
This grand piano has butterfly and flower designs on it, symbolizing peace.
Sky Class (3-year-olds) Star Class (4-year-olds) Sun Class (5-year-olds) and the players of the Hatsukaichi Sun Blaze baseball team, who visited the school, enjoyed the beautiful design and the beautiful sound while singing “Till the World Becomes One” by the staff.
After the ceremony, everyone went out to the school yard and enjoyed playing catch with the players. The balls thrown by the players were very easy to catch and the children were very happy!