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例えば、あそこに行こう!と伝える時には、手を引っ張るなどしないで、体に触れず「視線を合わせ行く方向を手で示す」、言葉がけも「必要以上の大きな声で行わない」 今、その子がやっていることを「邪魔しない」「思いを大切にする」

When I was a student, I attended many lectures on the principle of childcare, such as
Children are Important. I remember having the impression that they were decidedly
important because they were entrusted to their parents. When dealing with children, I have
always kept that feeling with me. A few years later, I became a parent too.
As I was raising my child, I remember that the weight of, decided importance, gradually
increased. “Parents were so important to their children!” I was able to realize the true weight
of importance more than I could have ever learned from a lecture.
After that, I came to the conclusion that an important part of childcare is: do not touch the
child more than necessary. For example we say, “let’s go over there!” After giving the
instruction, do not pull their hands or touch their bodies, point in the direction you are going
with your eyes and repeat the instruction, but no louder than necessary. Take care of the
children’s thoughts and let them reflect and act by themselves. By doing so, the seeds of
respect for the important children are sown.