ブログ BLOG

  • ホーム
  • ブログ
  • 鬼とひょっとこがやってきた!


Today is Full Moon Setsubun. The homeroom teachers had informed the children that ogres would be coming, so there were a few children who were reluctant to come to the school, but they all became more cheerful when they met their friends.
On the Setsubun day, all the children gathered in the hall to watch a play performed by the teachers. The children watched a play in which a “crying demon,” a “mean demon,” and an “angry demon” escaped from their bodies by throwing beans at each other. The children were very interested in this! After that, the ogres appeared; the two ogres went around to each class. The reactions of the different age groups were very interesting!
In the afternoon, the “Hyottoko,” which heralds the coming of spring, went around each class carrying a plum tree. After the scary ogre, the funny and cheerful Hyottoko made his appearance. The children were beaming.