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There are things that I find particularly important concerning childcare.
One important point is eye contact. They say that the ability to make eye contact is acquired immediately after birth. By one month, babies stare intensely at everything, including people’s faces. At two months, they enjoy being held. During breastfeeding they form a bond with their mother’s face. All through this early physical development, the child’s and mother’s faces are at an interval of about 30 cm. In this way the mother’s face is imprinted in the baby’s memory. With constant feeding, love and communication the baby’s heart will be filled as much as the baby’s stomach.
A child who feels at ease is already empowered to learn a lot, because they have that feeling that was imprinted on them from birth through breastfeeding.
Feeling is very important. The ability to make eye contact is nurtured from birth and continues throughout the child’s life into adulthood. Trusting in people and focusing on what they are interested in is an ability that will be important throughout life.