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  • Mini Olympics(運動会)
Mini Olympics(運動会)

第3回のフルムーンインターナショナルこども園おおのMini Olympicsが無事に終わりました。園庭をめいいっぱい使い、子どもたちの生活の場にこだわっての開催です。こうして無事に終わることができましたのは保護者の皆さんのご協力があってこそです。皆様に感謝申し上げます。Mini Olympicsでは、子どもたちの表情をたくさん感じていただけたのではないかと思います。 通称「いたのぼり」を何度も失敗しながらチャレンジする姿や、自分たちで作戦を考え、その考えたことを競技に取り入れるなかでのIB活動・主体的・探究心ある姿。負けることが悔しくて涙する子。また乳児組では、友だちや先生を意識しながらサーキットをチャレンジする姿からも園生活の姿を感じていただけたのではないかと思います。

The third edition of the Mini Olympics at Full Moon International Children’s School Ohno has come to a successful conclusion. The event was held in the school yard and focused on the children’s living space. The success of the event was made possible by the cooperation of all the parents. We would like to thank everyone for their cooperation.
At Mini Olympics, we hope that you were able to see many expressions on the children’s faces. They were challenging the “ita-nobori,” as it is commonly called, while failing many times. They were also active, proactive, and inquisitive as they came up with their own strategies and incorporated their ideas into the competition. Children crying because they were frustrated at losing. In the infant class, you could also see the children challenging the circuit while being aware of their friends and teachers, giving you a sense of what life at the school is like.
These events at Full Moon are held to “recognize” and “praise” the children’s healthy growth.