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「My Name is~」と学生が自己紹介し、続いて講師が「自己紹介とクラス紹介を。その後はEnglishの歌と手遊びをリズミカルに楽しんでいる子どもたちの姿を見て目を丸くされていた2人。

Special Guests
The other day, two people studying childcare came to “Full Moon International Children’s Pre-School Ono” and visited the Sky class and Star / Sun class.
When they entered the Sky class (3-year-olds), the foreign instructor called out to the children, “Let me introduce you to our special guests,” and everyone’s eyes were on them. The children were curious, and the students introduced themselves, “My Name is ~”, and then the instructor introduced themselves and the class. After that, the students were amazed to see the children enjoying English songs and rhythmically moving their bodies. The two could recognize that the kids felt close to each other while moving and playing together.
At “Full Moon International Children’s Garden Ono”, we are accepting garden tours and practical training while the new corona infection is getting better. If you are interested, please call us.