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  • サイエンスショー【5月24日(火)】

「遊び」と「発見」のテーマパーク EduParkさんによるサイエンスショーをSun・Starのこどもたちが楽しみました。
当日の様子は7月5日のママンペール発行号に記載予定です。And here’s the other: Science Show

(Tuesday, May 24)
“Play” and “Discovery” theme park by Edu Park
Children of Sun Star enjoyed a science show.
“We will experiment with what everyone needs to live.” “What do you think it is?”
The words “?” “I don’t know!” “What is it?”
It was introduced with “Oxygen-kun” and “Kimi”.
But you can’t see Oxygen. Chemical play progresses by devising ways to see what you cannot see.
It was an exciting hour to firmly grasp the hearts of children with easy-to-understand words and flows.
When the show was over and I was talking to the staff, they were  surprised that there were many 4-year-olds.
I was happy to hear that and felt a lot of power to concentrate and react. The state of the day will be described in the issue of Maman Pale on July 5th.