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  • 友だちと遊ぶのすごく楽しい!

寒い季節になると、子どもたちは遊びのプロに変身! それぞれの年齢で、じっくりと遊びを楽しむ姿がどんどん見られるようになります。一つの遊びを友だちと一緒に楽しみながら、遊びが広がり、目がキラキラ輝き、言葉が飛び交い、笑顔がいっぱいに!表情もますます豊かになっていきます。

It’s so much fun playing with friends!In the cold season, children turn into professionals at play! At this point in the year, students are well developed in the way they play. These children’s abilities have increased so, their play expands. As they complete new challenges their eyes sparkle, their excitement fills the air! Their true happiness is evident throughout their faces.
This is the culmination of play and growth. We hope to watch over, support, and encourage the children so that these wonderful scenes will spread from class to class. In April they will move up a class, where they can further refine their play and “individuality”.